Question about being a smart person…



What is a truly smart person?

A truly smart person is one with the intelligence of knowing that there is always something new to learn, no matter how old one is and or where one has come from.

A truly smart person is one who is always looking for new things to learn from different types of resources and or different types of people.

People like this are generally smarter than the average person who tends to look at themselves as like they are smarter than everyone else.

For a person with a character that consists of being humble, patient, respectful, and caring, with an understanding that no matter how much one may know, there’s always something new to learn that one has never learned before, is a person who is extremely very smart in how they perceive things to be and how they actually see things for how it really is.

For those who can clearly understand this and accept this, you are part of the one percent in this world who is smarter than the average person that’s around you.

For those who can’t clearly understand this and who can’t accept this, it means that you have stopped yourself from learning something new, which is hampering your ability to become as smart as those who is always pushing themselves to learn something new everyday.


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