How to become fluent in English?



First of all, you have to stop making excuses for yourself for not being able to practice speaking English when there’s so many resources around that will give you the opportunity to speak in English with others.

Secondly, you have to stop saying that you don’t have enough confidence to speak in English.

Thirdly, you must force yourself to read in English on a daily basis, listen to English on a daily basis, and to speak with someone in English on a daily basis.

If you were to create the necessary time for yourself to practice English everyday without quitting for no less then one year, you will definitely make a huge progress towards your goal to become a better English speaker.

So rather than focusing on all of your excuses for not being able to practice English, focus on finding a way to practice English on a daily basis.

If you really want to learn English and you are really serious about it, you shouldn’t let anything and or anyone to discourage you from reaching your goal.

But here’s some advice that you should take into consideration.

1. Stay away from those who has a double personality and who acts like they care, when in reality, they don’t care at all.

2. Try to speak with people who doesn’t speak too fast, and who speaks clearly without using curse words and a lot of slang phrases.

3. Try to speak with people who will correct you when you make a mistake.

4. Try to speak with people who’s honest, truthful, and sincere.

5. Try as much as possible to stay away from people who likes to talk badly about others and who likes to talk negatively about things and or others.


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