How to get children to learn English…


Recently I have come across a few mothers who’s able to speak in English with this question:

How can I get my children to learn English?

To answer this question, let me first say this, “If you don’t put the necessary time that is needed to teach your children what they need to know to learn English, they will not learn much English at all.”

For those who is able to speak in English in a conversational way, you must practice speaking in English with your children everyday to get them to be comfortable with the English language.

If you don’t do that, they will always have a difficult time when it comes to being comfortable with speaking in English.

And for all of the excuses for not being able to do that, it’s just an excuse to say that you are too lazy to practice English with your children.

This may be very straight forward, and it probably may make you to feel uncomfortable, but this is a truth that is as true as anything can ever get.

As of what can you do to get your children to get acquainted with English, you can start by doing these simple things.

1. Spend a few hours a day to talk with them in English.

2. Create English speaking activities for them to learn English.

3. Buy English only speaking toys and or games for them to practice English with.

4. Watch an English only cartoon, children’s TV show and or movie with your children for at least once a day.

5. Read an English only book to them in English once a day.

6. Play with them in English as much as you play with them in your own native language.

7. Create an English speaking environment for your children by getting together with other parents who are trying to get their children to learn English and practice speaking and or playing in English with your children for at least once a week.


If you were to do these 7 steps for at least one year without quitting, I’m sure you will make a whole lot of progress, and you will be very happy with what you will see.

Also, it doesn’t matter how busy you are in your daily lives, because I’m sure you can do some of these things. You don’t have to do all 7 steps, but if you do at least 2-3 steps, you will make much more progress than those who isn’t willing to do any of these steps.


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